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1. Art is a form of expression that allows you to show your inner thoughts and feelings.

2. It can be a form of relaxation and can help to de-stress you.

3. Art can be used as a form of communication, allowing you to express your ideas and feelings to others.

4. It can be a way to connect with your inner self and explore your creativity.

5. Art can be used as a tool for healing, both physically and emotionally.

6. It can be a way to connect with others who share your passion for art.

7. Art can be a way to connect with nature and the world around you.

8. Art can be a source of income, allowing you to make a living from your passion.

9. Art can be a way to educate others, sharing your knowledge and skills with others.

10. Art is a never ending journey, allowing you to continue to grow and learn new things.